Rumble club Update 1.1


Welcome to Gadget Game! In Rumble Club’s newest game mode, you’ve always got a Gadget at your disposal. Secure an elimination with a Gadget to automatically upgrade to another Gadget. Get 10 eliminations and win!

Play Gadget Game all launch week in the Gadget Game playlist, and then look for it rotating in weekly events.

New Stuff

  • See your Quest progress on the Elimination and Match Complete screen without having to go all the way out to the main menu

  • If you play in a Private Match with 16 total people, you’ll get Quest Progress

  • See a bug or something fishy in a match? Go to the replay and Report it to the Development team for investigation!

  • Sunset Shallows map now supports Deathmatch.

  • Increased the speed that you can tap through Battle Pass rewards.


  • Flower Pots can be thrown further and apply a strike when they explode

  • TNT now applies 2 strikes when it explodes

  • Ice Cubes from Ice Machine Gadgets last half as long to prevent clusters of ice cubes from piling up and creating a big mess in the area.

  • Added some more holes and danger to King of the Tilt to create more exciting fights in some areas where there was not enough danger.

  • Improved Item spawners on Punchie Plaza 2v2 and 4v4 to make the matches more interesting.

  • Increased the movement speed but decreased the maneuverability of the starting and respawn balloon item.

  • Updated the charge time for the Punch Tank. Instead of 0.75 to get to a 1 strike shot it now only takes 0.5 seconds to get to the first charge level. The second charge level is unchanged at 1.5 total seconds.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an exploit that allowed players to drop a stunned player they are carrying.

  • Fixed numerous instances where Punchies could balance on rooftops

  • Fixed more instances of mismatched end-game placements

  • Other performance and loading improvements

Idle Anvil

The punchie overseers are watching you. If they catch you idling in a bad place on the map they will drop an anvil on your head. You have been warned.


NEW UPDATE - Crown Fragments & More!


Rumble Club + Backbone = ❤️